The Musings of the Girl with Muscles


So it’s Christmas Eve and mama is gettin’ all dressed up for an outdoor Christmas Eve service. Hey you never know what fine fellow might be in town visiting mom and dad 😜.

Now begins the musings from the girl with muscles…

So I decide I need to wear a pair of leggings under my pants so that I won’t be cold. As the body far drops the outdoor temp seems a bit colder :). Ok so I put on the leggings that I paid $7 for at Target, thy can only be worn in the privacy of my own home or under things because they shrunk so much they are down right see through. I then try to take my super cute fitted black pants and slide them on over the top….yeah ok!!!!!

So I pull the leggings down far enough to stand on them, make em a little longer….scrunch up the other pants, you know like you did with your child so you could just pull the leg out?!?!? You get what I’m saying, now I can grab the bottom of the leggings and slide them pants right up….Right?!?!? WRONG. Mama’s got calves, so I gotta stand back on the leggings then shimmy those pants over top them calves. I’m beginning to sweat….

We make it over the knees just fine….20 rep max of a front squat today, thighs may be a little more pumped than normal. Adjusting, making sure we don’t leave too much leg down by the knees. Still sweating….now for the bootie. Shimmy, shake, lay down, stand back up, suck in, wipe the sweat off the upper lip!!!!! I’m in!!!!!! Now time to pull the leggings back up on my waist where they are suppose to be.

Now for a few squats just to buy me a little more room…whoa stand up quick the seam down the leg is beginning to split! They are on though….YES! Victory lap!

Now we move on to the upper body. Getting it all on is fine….but I have to make sure I wear the thinnest and warmest things. Because here’s the deal, too many layers and I lose circulation in my arms I bend them! Buff girl in a little coat….

But dang I look good and mama will be warm. Thank you for reading my stupid little rant about my getting dressed tonight! I was laughing as it all went down. Here’s the thing, I wouldn’t change my body for the world. I love it just the way it is, there are just some things that are more challenging than others.

Merry Christmas!!!!

She’s Really Doing it.

The Beatiful Taren

There are few things in this world I love more than watching my friends do the thing they were created to do.

Last weekend my beautiful, talented, creative, loving friend Taren Maroun brought her beautiful face (and HAIR) into this town. We lived on the YWAM campus in Kona a few years back.  We hit it off IMMEDIATELY!!! She’s a little fire cracker oozing with creativity.

She graced Medford with her presence to help me with some media stuff. A few months back super late at night she text me and said, “What’s the password to your website? I’m on a roll, let me spruce it up.” So began the back and forth until she arrived.  We did some photos we shot some video and we are almost ready to launch the new website!  I’m so excited and God’s timing is SOOOO perfect.  Here is one of the demo videos we shot.

The Scars


The Scars

As I gazed up at the weight resting up the once very broken arm, my mind began to wander. The realization that once this arm was shattered, it took 2 plates and 16 screws to put it back together. I can look at it and remember, but I can also look at see the strength that has come out of that life altering moment in time. I know I am stronger for the brokenness, I am stronger in spite of the scars. They mark me, but do not define me. The brokenness only made me stronger.

Write Down the Vision


For several years now I have loved covering journals. Taking a boring or sometimes tacky journal and recovering it and giving it away. I find such peace sitting in my living room paper all around and making an absolute mess. What comes with mess is also a girl who stays in her PJ’s ALL day, most likely doesn’t brush her teeth, she drinks way too much coffee, and probably won’t eat much food. I just get in a groove and I can’t stop.

I would always gives these journals away and then a friend said hey you should sell those.  So I put them on social media and almost all of them sold.  WOW. I’m not trying to make any money here, but they tend to pay for themselves which is always helpful.

While at church this weekend my pastor really encouraged people to write down what God was saying or how they were feeling or attempting to get all the jibberish in their head out on paper. He then gave the verse Hab. 2:2 in which it states, “Write down the vision.”

So basically all I want to say is write down what’s going on in your life. Write down your feelings, your struggles, your victories, it’s powerful stuff. I have four years worth of writing and it’s the greatest thing to go back and read what was happening in my life four years ago. I can see how far I have come. I can see the things God promised have happened. I can see it all. I can go back and re read something that I had totally forgotten about.

So I encourage you. Write it down it’s so incredibly powerful and quite frankly you never know what will come out when that pen hits the page, your life just might never be the same.



I am the type of woman who does what she says she is going to do. I follow through, I don’t quit, I do my best to finish strong. This will be twice within the last year that I must humbly bow out.

Many of you remember last year when I moved back to Medford I enrolled in a master’s program…then I quit. That was a very humbling experience, but what came out of my bruised pride was a season of radical breakthrough and true understanding of what I was created to do.

I stand again on the precipice of another major life decision. In one month I was scheduled to move to Portland. I again bow out and I could NOT BE HAPPIER about the decision. I get to stay here with my family and friends.  It was not an easy decision to make…what would people think? “I don’t want people to think I am flaky.” Did I hear God wrong?” This could go on and on so I will stop there. It does not matter why, I just know deep in my heart I am to stay and as much as I know I should stay I also want to stay.

Here are the reasons I am staying:

1. My sister who had become one of my best friends is pregnant!!!

2. After I came home from an amazing trip to LA I felt like I got the go ahead to write a book. It’s been something I have been wanting to do for years.

3. I have a group of ladies that I train and they literally began praying and asking others to pray with them that I would not leave.  Prayer works y’all…hahaha.

4. Last week as I prepared my message for church I realized I got MY message, like the one I was created to carry.  The message that burns in my heart, the one that was put inside of me from the start.

5. I am a part of an amazing church that is at the ground level and I have been given an opportunity to be a voice in this place.

6. I was going to be working at a big corporate gym in Portland and as wonderful of a place as it was my free time would be quite limited. I would be attempting to build a new clientele base in a town where I don’t know many people.

For the last 2 years I feel as if I have been a stone that has been pulled back in a sling shot.  God has the thing pulled back and he is just waiting and waiting taking the most perfect aim.  JUST LET ME GO ALREADY has been the cry of my heart. So to be honest with you I did what dreamers and pioneers do when they are feeling uninspired….THEY GO TRY AND MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN.

I thought leaving Medford was what needed to happen in order for the dreams and plans in me to come to fruition. We serve a much bigger God than that.  He can break open our greatest dreams and aspirations right in front of us. I have been waiting for years for this time right now. In my obedience God uncovered all of it.  The book, the teachings, the platform, it’s all happening. If I was to leave this sleepy little town in which single God fearing men don’t come around very often I would have missed it.  So I am still believing for that man to pop up in Medford because mama isn’t going anywhere!!!!

Trust the Lord with your life, He is so faithful and even when it doesn’t make sense…TRUST and OBEY.